2024-25 Executive Board


We are looking forward to work and engage with our JCE parents, staff and our wonderful students to create a support system for our children.


We would love to hear from you, any thoughts and ideas are always welcome.

If you wish to get involved in any way, big or small, we always need your help!!


Contact us at info@johnscreekpto.org



Lisa Kim



Nicole Stowe



Vishnu Annapureddy



Carol Oh

Vice President of Fundraising


Tiffanie Vo-Jones

Vice President of Events


Fixon Owoo

Vice President of Membership


Lena Lee

Vice President of Community


Ms. Alyssa Degliumberto




Upcoming Events




12/2-6 Raffle Basket Sale

12/6  All Pro Dad

12/7 Breakfast with Santa

12/9-13  Holiday Shop